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Experience Abroad in Sevilla, Spain

Spring Semester 2014 (January-July)

Studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain provided an incredible opportunity for me to grow personally and professionally. While abroad, I advanced my Spanish fluency which has equipped me to support future Spanish speaking students and families within the district. By living, traveling, and teaching in a completely foreign culture for 6 months, I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to grow in my communication, interpersonal, organizational, and problem solving skills that I will continue to use through my everyday life and teaching. 


Involvement Abroad

Teaching Experiences

Fifth Grade Teacher – English

I taught English at a local school in Sevilla. I developed weekly activities, lesson plans, and led classroom instruction for 15 non-native English speakers.


Secondary Student Teacher – English

I also had the opportunity to student teach abroad through my Second Language Acquisition Course. I assisted students individually, co-taught lessons, and planned and executed lessons for two secondary classes.

Student Committee

While studying abroad in Seville, Spain I was selected to be on the student committee which collaborated with staff in order to organize activities as well as community service projects.

Intercambio Language Exchange Program

In order to advance my Spanish fluency and immerse myself in the culture, I got involved in the Intercambio Language Exchange Program. I had four intercambios, and each week I met with them in order to practice my Spanish and to help them improve their English. This is a picture of one of my intercambios, Maria, and I in Huelva, Spain visiting The 3 Caravels of Christopher Columbus. I was also able to visit her family in her town outside of Seville for a weekend. 

 As a Latina with family in Venezuela as well as having personally lived in Spain for a significant amount of time, I have first-hand experience with the language and cultures that I look forward to passing on to the students in my school. 

My Life-Changing Adventures...

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© Amanda Ocando